The ever-popular Bryna O’Sullivan is back with another fascinating topic. Your ancestor’s death is part of their story. This program will introduce attendees to resources that can document a Connecticut…
May 14 Meeting – Diana Elder – Who’s Her Daddy? Testing an Ancestry DNA Thruline Hypothesis for a Female Ancestor
When no record names a father, discover how documentary records, a migration study, and DNA evidence can confirm a hypothesis in this pre-1850 case study. Diana Elder AGⓇ is a…
March 12 Meeting – Marian Wood – 1950 Census
Our March 12 meeting will feature our own Marian Wood. She will give us our first look at the 1950 census. For some of us, this newly-released census is the…
Registration for RootsTech 2022
Registration for RootsTech 2022 is now open. The conference is entirely virtual this year and will happen on March 3-5. Registration is free this year. For more information visit:
February 12 Meeting – Michael Cassara – Cemetery Crowdsourcing
Cemeteries often provide genealogists with clues that exist nowhere else. Even the most remote cemeteries have become accessible to researchers worldwide, thanks to the Internet. This talk explores the future…
2022 Membership
2022 DUES may be paid now at the end of the year or in January! (Rate: $20/individual —or— $30 for couples & immediate family/household members)Because we cannot meet in person,…
Raechel Guest – Finding Colonial and Military Records Using Online Sources
On Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 via ZOOM at 6 p.m. the Silas Bronson Library of Waterbury will hostits director, Raechel Guest, on Finding Colonial and Military Records Using Online Sources. This…
NVGC October Meeting Call
This is the official call for the October meeting of the Naugatuck Valley Genealogy Club, to be held on Saturday, October 9th, 2021, by Zoom, at 10:30 A.M. After the…
Summer Birthdays
Happy birthday to our members with summer birthdays. We hope to see you all at the summer porch picnic! Details to follow.
Upcoming Meeting News
Join us in April for Bryna O’Sullivan’s presentation, “Discover the Connecticut State Library Online Resources.” Whether you’re a Connecticut resident with roots elsewhere in the US or someone with Connecticut ancestors,…